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Have you ever walked into a Pier 1 Imports or a HomeGoods and noticed the different shapes and sizes of wineglasses? Ever wonder why some wine glasses are wider than others? Well here's the deal-many wines do belong with specific wine glasses! It may be complicated for the average wine consumer to understand but wines have their own specific glass. Why are there so many different wine glasses for specific wines?
Here's why-the specific wine shapes help you enjoy the taste and smell of the actual wine.
Realistically, the average person who simply buys wine after a long week of work is probably NOT buying that many wine glasses. Is it ridiculous to own several different wine glasses? Not necessarily but there are some universal glasses that the average consumer can buy that can help enjoy most red, whites, and bubbly.

Well people that want to taste it- but don’t want to get drunk will taste it like mouth wash... which is still strange to me since I’m a firm believer of simply tasting it and then just pour out in the dump bucket... but spitting is a thing @yolivo42
Why spit IT if you already drank it? Makes no sense to me. Help
Yes you’ll be so glad you did-once we started to try the glasses according to it’s wine match- oh what a difference... you are able to truly grasp the aromas and savor the flavors of the wine!
I always wondered what the point of the different glasses was! Ill have to start paying attention to which glass I’m putting my wine in!